Learning about leaves

We found the cutest books on nature. We are currently reading Crinkleroot’s guide to knowing the trees.

We have been learning to recognize the various leaves on our evening walks with Ozzie. Nadia collected some leaves and starting building a leaf 🍃 🍁 book.

She was already done with the pictures before I saw the finished pages…such splendor nature offers in it’s colors and shapes!

She then proceeded to teach me the circle of life using the below leaves she had collected…I was floored!

Then she decided she would like to share this with her classmates at the nature table, and proceeded to stitch them together so she could hang it at school.

What a glorious way to spend an evening 😀

Have a great week.



Visit to the Wolf Conservation Center

The red wolf is listed as an endangered species under the federal Endangered Species. Historically, red wolves once numbered in thousands.  They ranged from Pennsylvania to Florida and Texas.  By 1970 there were less than one hundred red wolves living in a small area of coastal Texas and Louisiana.  To save the species from extinction, all the remaining red wolves were brought into captivity.  Only 14 of these animals were considered true red wolves and they became a part of the captive breeding program.

We visited the Wolf Conservation Center at South Salem, NY this weekend. Nadia had no clue where we were headed. When she was seated in the visitor center and saw all the wolf pictures she started getting suspicious. Her eyes were big with excitement when she figured it out.

We met the ambassador gray wolves Zephyr, Alawa and Nikai. Zephyr is the alpha and is a real sweetheart.

Here is a video of Zephyr howling in response to our howls.

Nadia asked so many questions. She was rather disappointed to hear that to volunteer you had to be a minimum of 16 years old. She has been reading and writing about Wolves at home for 2 months now. A lot of research has been ongoing. She was quite surprised to learn that wolves are actually crepuscular and not nocturnal. “We have to update my notes”, she said 😄

The ambassador wolves are the only ones that we get to visit at the conservation center. The rest of their 49 wolves are wild and have no human contact. Only once a year they meet a human for their health exams. The hope is that these wolves will make it into the wild some day. There are so many risks in the wild, especially of poachers. However as the volunteer at the center put it…”a few days of freedom is better than a life of captivity” 💕

If you are interested in seeing how the wolves behave and interact here’s a link to their webcam.

Web cam

Do visit the center or their website Wolf Conservation Center. The Wolf Conservation Center teaches people about wolves, their relationship to the environment and the human role in protecting their future.



Pirate tales

Hand made toys are the best…here Nadia is working on a pirate and mermaid scene using felt.

Measuring, cutting, sticking…

Painting little peg dolls…

And then playing and seeing her stories take shape…

The dolls are so cute!

The story goes like this…a pirate sailing the high seas, meeting mermaids and finding a chest of treasure…sunsets and adventure 😃

Imagination and creativity come alive.

Have a great week.



Getting ready for Halloween

Making further additions to our Halloween display…inspired by Day of the dead we painted some peg dolls.

We painted a witch next and made a hat and cloak for her with felt.

Nadia made a little red riding hood peg doll…all ready here in her felt hood.

Looking very cool with the day of the dead masks we worked on a different day.

Here’s the final display. My camera battery was charging as we worked so I could not take any pictures while Nadia made these items.

Have a great week.



Ride a unicycle

Paper toys and more paper toys…thanks to Made by Joel I found this cool circus performer on a unicycle.

We used the template and Nadia cut out and colored the parts.

Using a paper clip to guide the unicycle…the performers performed merrily!

We did run into some technical difficulties getting the paper toy to function, but Nadia kind of figured this out on her own.

It was a fun pre-bedtime activity 😃

Happy Friday!



Elf in a sleeping bag

Lately I have been focusing on providing Nadia with a lot of free time to play. Allowing time for unstructured play is very important in feeding the creative mind. This is where the creative ideas come flowing in…

Nadia is working on a little felt elf who has his own little sleeping bag and pillow…

She cut out the materials and sewed them herself…with some guidance from me when she asked for help.

We have agreed that unless she asks me for help I will not bring ideas of my own 😃

Once the elf and his sleeping bag was ready …she moved on to playtime. Most of these items below have been made by her. The lovely mushroom fairy house was made at summer school in Montessori. She shaped, baked and painted it all herself.

Isn’t the elf in his sleeping bag cute? He is camping out under the stars tonight.

Just love seeing the scene come alive…

Imagination…story building all coming together

Of course I joined in the fun too 🧚‍♀️

Have a great week.



A fall woodland sprite

As fall approaches here…leaves falling we can imagine so many hiding places for little woodland sprites. Nadia has been picking acorns, pine ones and little sticks on our walks together. Today she decided to make a little fairy with them.

Some brown felt for the tresses…

And on goes the hat…

Fall color wings cut out of felt…

And then adding on some eyes and a pretty smile…

Here’s my woodland sprite with the one she just created ❤️

Have a great weekend.

